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Masternode FAQs

1. How do I become a masternode?

To become a Masternode you download a RBX native core wallet specific to your environment / machine (CLI or GUI). Then a user creates a new address and private key, which should always be stored in a safe place! Once that unique RBX address has the minimum RBX balance required to become a validator (12,000 RBX) and the wallet running on one machine, such as a laptop with a unique IP address, a user may join the validator pool as a Masternode by just clicking a button identified in the GUI or typing the identified command in the menu of the CLI. Upon being active as a Masternode, your validator will run and receive and answer tasks for the chance to earn a randomized block reward. There is NO staking of any kind, and any validator may join and / or stop validating anytime. There are NO holding periods, fees, or penalties at all, however malicious actors are automatically banned from the service by peers.

2. What are the responsibilites of a masternode?

A Masternode is what secures the network and validates that both an incoming transaction are both authentic and legitimate.

3. Is there a limit of masternodes on the rbx network?

No, there is no limit. In fact, the more nodes that participate on the network the stronger the network grows and the more secure it becomes over longer periods of time.

4. What hardware is required to validate transactions on the rbx network?

A basic computer can become a Masternode. Recommended minimum specifications are at least a 2GB of RAM (4GB is preferred), Pentium or higher processor, and a solid-state hard drive to match block data. In theory, something like a Raspberry-Pi can become a Masternode as well.

5. How long can a user be a masternode for?

A user can be a Masternode as the long as the required minimum amount of RBX is assured in their core wallet and the client is operating in the background of the local device.

6. Who determines how many native coins will need to be assured to become a masternode?

This is determined and defined in the on-chain rules that is established at the networks Genesis Block.

7. Can I have more than one masternode?

So long as anyone has the minimum RBX requirements assured in each wallet with a unique address and running one wallet per machine and each having a unique IP address, then there is no limit to how many Masternodes a user may operate.

8. Is there any staking on the rbx network?

No, there is zero staking of any kind. In fact, participation is completely at will and any user may start or stop validating at any time. There is also no holding periods, no fees, and no penalties whatsoever.

9. If I have a masternode can I sell it to another client?

RBX is an autonomous and decentralized ecosystem and does not monitor any type of purchasing and selling of nodes between peers. That said, peers need to transact legally, openly and honestly with one another.

10. If my masternode validates a transaction, what is the reward?

Rewards are randomized through the network consensus layer and are currently 32 RBX per block reward and halve every three years. Anyone may view the block rewards and halving schedule published on the ReserveBlock site.

11. What hardware or software factors can affect proper validation on the rbx network?

If hardware is running and not damaged or faulty then proper validation will occur. If the software is not running on the local device, then that node is not validating or if the operating system on that local device is having issues then that could prevent that node from running correctly. It is recommended that a user monitor their node daily (requiring minimal effort) to insure there are no faults with equipment or operating system.

12. Will a user need to disable the computers firewall when acting as a masternode?



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